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Photographer, Mentor, & Instructor
I worked in both the business and education fields for a number of years before I caught that undeniable and life changing (in the best way possible!) "photography bug". I fell completely in love with photography as my camera accompanied me wherever I went. I was on a mission to take a better picture each time I pushed the shutter button on my camera. Staring for hours through my lens, I kept puzzling out new ways to take photographs that captured both art, message, and moment; color, line and texture. After taking a number of classes to learn new techniques and skills, I turned my hobby to semi-pro then to pro making money doing what I loved; Capturing moments. Capturing art. Capturing life.
After establishing my business and thriving, I discovered a new pull that had me just as enthralled as taking pictures. Many of my clients asked me during the photo shoots about learning specific photography skills they were interested in because they too had caught that undeniable "bug". I found I looked forward to these exchanges and based on the request of one of my clients, I held a photography workshop and discovered that I loved helping my clients smile as they discovered that aha moment when a new skill they learned produced the image they had been trying to capture for so long but hadn't known how to before now.
Fast forward to today and after years of teaching photography workshops I have discovered that one of the things that both my clients and myself value is time. I had always wished that I had found more direct instruction that focused on what my specific goals at the time were and that I had that concentrated into easily scheduled time just for me. I soon discovered that is what most of my clients (from pro/semi-pro to photo enthusiasts) want too. They want to be able to have individualized classes with me where we focus on the skills they want to learn to pursue their own goals in their own timeframe; that is where co-creating the program together was born, allowing us to truly focus on you and what you want. We meet via zoom so it can go with you wherever you are. I look forward to talking more with you and I invite you to co-create your program with me and shift our focus to your goals by scheduling your one-on-one photography program today.